Rolled oats are a rich source of soluble fiber, protein, and vitamins. These oats are mainly used to make hot cereal for breakfast, also known as oatmeal. Ideal for long-term storage, Honeyville's Regular Rolled Oats are oat groats that have been rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers and then steamed. Honeyville Regular Rolled Oats are an ideal product for long term food storage and emergency preparedness. Here at Honeyville we pride ourselves in our ability to offer our customers the finest food storage and baking ingredients we can find. With a large selection of flours, grains, mixes, and freeze dried products, we can provide you with the highest quality products, perfect for your industrial project or personal baking needs. At Honeyville we know that quality and taste are the two most important factors our customers consider when shopping with us. That is why we've made it our mission to provide you with the most exceptional and delicious products we can find.